
  • 花式调酒培训
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  • 作者: dfmzhu
  • 来源: 佛山展翅调酒咖啡培训
  • 日期: 2015-04-24
  • 浏览次数: 2734


把混合酒饮装在非玻璃器皿中没什么特别新鲜的。潘趣,传统上就是装在瓷器中的,这可以追溯到十七世纪。第一次有记录的薄荷朱丽普配方,装在钢或锡制的酒壶中,则出现在美国著名旅游作家约翰·戴维斯1803年出版的《四年半在美国行》中 。然后,20世纪60年代的提基文化的到来推出了异域风情,波利尼西亚,陶瓷马克杯,挖空的热带水果和喷火的火山潘趣碗。20世纪70年代玻璃器皿变得有些古板,提基也失去它的吸引力,直到它在20世纪90年代的复兴。也就是说,在发酵的20世纪80年代,玻璃器皿变得越来越大,以装得下性感沙滩这样的鸡尾酒,而小小的纸伞也变得五颜六色,吸管反而成了有品的象征。

There’s nothing particularly modern about serving a mixed drink in a vessel other than a glass. Punch, traditionally served in China cups, date as far back as the seventeenth century. The first recorded recipe for the Mint Julep, traditionally served in a steel or pewter jug, appeared in a book called Travels for Four and Half Years in the United States of America by celebrated travel writer John Davis in 1803. Then, of course, the arrival of tiki culture of the 1960s introduced exotic, Polynesian, ceramic mugs, hollowed-out tropical fruit and fire-spitting volcano punch bowls. Still, until its revival in the 1990s, tiki lost its allure and from 1970s glassware became somewhat staid. Until, that is, the barmy 1980s, when glassware went super-sized in order to contain giant, lurid-coloured Sex on the Beach-like cocktails – a time when little umbrellas and colourful crazy-straws were considered real class.

但过去十年中,几乎每一个关于玻璃器皿的常规都被光荣推倒。对呈现的重新定义使得盛酒的器皿包括从传统酒壶、玩具金属消防桶、塑料带轮垃圾桶、鸵鸟壳,回收的啤酒易拉罐,到人造医药瓶和输血袋的一切。现在,比以往更花哨的,古怪的装饰物被锻造成视觉双关语,泄露着饮料的故事,勾出微妙的风味。因此,通过无穷无尽的社交媒体病毒式的传播,如微信,微博, Facebook或Twitter 。在中国,我一直很喜欢失落天堂的乔治内梅奇的纸袋大吉利——基本上,一个包裹在一个牛皮纸袋中海明威大吉利既有助于告诉饮料的故事,又增加了呈现时的视觉诱惑。受到过去那杯茶壶Kir Royales的启发,我在酒吧里创造了波士顿茶党:用波本威士忌,浓缩苹果汁,柠檬,枫叶糖浆,薄荷,苏打水调制而成,并装载两个冷藏咖啡杯中。它非常受欢迎,并为我的酒吧带来了知名度。事实证明,茶杯里也能有海阔天空。

The last decade, though, has seen almost every known convention in glassware gloriously overturned. A new emphasis on presentation has seen drinks being served in everything from traditional hip flasks to miniature, metal fire buckets via plastic wheelie bins and ostrich shells, recycled beer cans, faux medicine bottles and blood transfusions bags. Now, more than ever, fancy, outlandish garnishes are being wrought and fangled as smart visual puns in order to tell the story of a drink, tease out subtle flavours and, as a result, garner worldwide buzz for any given venue via endless social media channels like WeChat, WeiBo, Facebook or Twitter. In China, I always liked George Nemec’s Paper Bag Daiquiri at Lost Heaven – basically, a Hemingway Daiquiri served wrapped in a brown paper bag which both helps tell the story of the drink and adds a tactile element to the serve, too. Inspired by my experience with the makeshift, after-hours Kir Royals, I created my own teapot serve at my own bar: The Boston Tea Party, with bourbon, pressed apple juice, lemon, maple syrup, mint, soda, served in two chilled espresso cups – it was massively popular and, for the buzz it created for my bar, proved, quite literally, a storm in a teacup.

但是在玻璃器皿或怪诞的其它器皿的创新方面有这样两个巨人:Artesian的亚历克斯卡特里娜,和Nightjar的马里安贝克,他们都在伦敦。两人最近都创立了带有亚洲元素的鸡尾酒,装载木制的日本马苏杯中。 贝克的酒饮,Beyongd the Sea,是用牡蛎叶浸泡的杜松子酒、菲诺雪莉酒、电子苦精,柚子和所谓的“海藻空气”调制而成。当然,是呈现在在一个巨大的贝壳中。 卡特里娜的酒饮,Prosperrity,是总统的改编,用在瓦器里熟化的混合朗姆酒和梅酒,并装在清漆马苏杯与日本漫画餐巾纸呈现。

But, for innovation in glassware, or batty, obscuro vessels, there are two titans in the genre: Alex Katrena at Artesian and, also in London, Marian Beke’s Nightjar. Both have recently offered Asian-inspired cocktails presented in wooden Japanese masu cups. Beke’s drink, Beyond the Sea, is made with oyster-leaf-infused gin, fino sherry, electric bitters, grapefruit and a so-called “seaweed air” served, naturally, in a giant seashell. Katrena’s drink, Prosperity, is a twist on the El Presidente, with a blend of rums and umeshu matured in a clay jar, served in a lacquered masu cup and a Japanese manga napkin.

虽说听起来很有趣,但老实说我不确定我真的喜欢。对我来说,容器是装饰的延伸,而且作为一种有意义的装饰,需要与鸡尾酒相互呼应——也就是说,是整体的一部分,而非追新求异的小伎俩。以上鸡尾酒的容器是有效的是因为与鸡尾酒本身十分相配。鸡尾酒本身就很不错,而容器则使故事完整。这是很重要的一点,因为有些时候感觉关注点在呈现上比在内容上更多。记住,你对外观投入越多,容器,呈现等,你就越能够提升客人的体验,而如果鸡尾酒做的不好,则起到相反的效果。不论如何,我认为,夸张容器的潮流已经退去,越来越多的调酒师认为风格比物质更重要,所以真正做的好的人不愿意自己被与胡乱使用容器的人混为一谈。而且,在伦敦Talented Mr Fox的马特怀利做出了Urban Fox后,我们自问,我们是不是可以从这里开始?

Still, while all this sounds like great fun, to be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about these elaborate serves. For me, the vessel is really an extension of the garnish and, as with all effective, meaningful garnishes, they need to add something to the cocktail – in other words, they need to contribute to the overall, net experience of the drink, not just act as some novelty or gimmick. The vessels for the drinks above work because the serve fits with what is, essentially, an already good cocktail – they complete a story. An important point because, these days, it can sometimes feel that the focus is more on the serve than the contents of the drink. Remember, the more time you invest on the presentation, vessel, and serve, the more you elevate the expectations of your guest – the greater potential, then, for disappointment, if the liquid turns out to be limp. Either way, I think the trend for indulgent vessels might be on the wane. As more and more bartenders favour style over substance, so the more serious craftspeople among them will distance themselves from the gimmicky packaging and focus instead on quality or speed of service. Besides, after Matt Whiley’s Urban Foxtail, created at London bar Talented Mr Fox, where, we could ask, do we go from here?


That said, it’s worth remembering us bartenders have often been charged with taking ourselves too seriously in this new, post-2000 era of bar culture. We need to remember that, first and foremost, we bartenders are hosts and entertainers. So perhaps fun serves and wayward vessels are just as relevant as antique glassware and perfectly made classics. Maybe elaborate serves have earned their space on the menu. As one bar manager I spoke to recently, “You could put a good Martini in almost anything – I’ll still drink it”.


Goldfish House Punch

来自特里斯坦斯蒂芬森的《好奇的调酒师》,这是一款用“鱼缸”呈现,可供20个人共享的大型鸡尾酒的缩小版。从本质上讲,它是经典源自1732年的Fish House 潘趣的澄清版本。它放弃了传统上用的瓷器做容器,而改用金鱼缸和塑料袋。

40ml 无色陈年朗姆酒
40ml 水
10ml 歌岱“南极洲” 白福儿
10ml 澄清的柠檬汁*
10ml 糖浆
4ml 桃子白兰地**

所有配料加冰搅拌,以透明金鱼碗呈现。上桌前撒上干龙蒿,即 “鱼食”,然后装在装有鱼形冰块和吸管的塑料袋中呈现。

* 使用agar-agar法制作。

** 使用家用碳水过滤器澄清。

From The Curious Bartender by Tristan Stephenson

This is a scaled-down recipe for one serving usually served in a “fish bowl” for ten. Essentially, a clarified version of the Fish House Punch, a classic from 1732, this serve switches out the traditional china punch bowl for a goldfish bowl and plastic bags – the kind used to give away goldfish as prizes at fun-fairs in the UK.

40ml Colourless, aged rum
40ml Water
10ml Godet “Antarctica” Folle Blanche
10ml Clarified lemon juice*
10ml Sugar syrup
4ml Peach brandy**

Stir all ingredients over ice in a clear goldfish bowl. Sprinkle dried tarragon – the “fish food” – before serving. Ladle each serve into a clear plastic bag containing fish-shaped ice and straw.

*Made using the agar-agar clarification method.

**Clarified using a household carbon water filter.


Urban Foxtail No 2

伦敦Talented Mr Fox酒吧马特怀利




Matt Whiley at the Talented Mr Fox, London

This serve certainly pushes boundaries conceptually but, crucially, at the same time, it works to tell the story of the venue and, probably, the arch, and very British sense of the humour of its creator.

Diplomatico Rum
Cumin syrup
“Apple bin juice”*

Exact specifications of this drink are secret but we reckon they’d be pretty close to a Daiquiri with the acidity coming from the ascorbic acid. Served in a miniature plastic wheelie bin, the so-called “bin juice” comes in a separate bag resting on top of the bin and can be added to adjust the acidity of the drink.

*A mix of apple reduction, ascorbic acid and cumin.


Purple Drank

受Lil Wayne的歌启发,这杯鸡尾酒以诙谐的手法改编了受美国说唱歌手和他们的追随者青睐的一种非法饮料(在休斯敦首次创立,因此它的绰号是“得克萨斯糖浆”。传统上,这种饮料采用过量的的处方止咳糖浆——可待因和异丙嗪的混合体,并与与激浪和乔利蓄牧混合。
50ml 香草波本泡酒
10ml Bols 蓝库拉索利口酒
10ml 甜糖浆
10ml 覆盆子糖浆
10ml 柠檬汁
20ml 橘子汁






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