立刻报名- 花式调酒培训
- 英式调酒培训
- 咖啡拉花培训
- 西点师培训
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- 作者: dfmzhu
- 来源: 展翅调酒咖啡培训学校
- 日期: 2016-03-09
- 浏览次数: 2352 次
来自Mr & Mrs Fox的 Kervin Unido在本年度百加得传世鸡尾酒大赛港澳台站旗开得胜,赢得了下月前往旧金山参加全球总决赛的名额。
这位菲律宾调酒师凭借Reborn Padre Blanco在12位参赛选手中脱颖而出。Unido介绍说,他的灵感来自海明威最爱的两款鸡尾酒:大吉利和莫吉托。
Unido选用白朗姆酒作为基酒,添加番石榴浓缩汁, 用青柠汁平衡口味,用龙舌兰蜜增加少许甜味(Unido这样做是向海明威致敬,因为海明威有糖尿病。)最后倒入拉格啤酒,一杯长饮出炉了。
按照区域决赛要求,参赛者的作品必须在自己的酒吧连续售卖三个月。大家可以在Mr & Mrs Fox喝到Unido的获奖鸡尾酒。
Kervin Unido of Mr & Mrs Fox has won the Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau round of this year’s Bacardi Legacy cocktail competition, winning a place at the Global Finals in San Francisco next month.
The Filipino bartender bested a field of 12 competitors with his Reborn Padre Blanco cocktail, which Unido said was by inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s two favourite drinks: the Daiquiri and Mojito.
This starts off as a base of white rum and guava, which Unido balances with lime juice and agave nectar as a light sweetener, Unido’s hat-tip to Hemingway’s diabetes. A final touch of lager lengthens the drink.
As part of the finals, contestants had to serve their competition drinks in their own bars for three months. Unido’s winning cocktail can be found at Mr & Mrs Fox.
Reborn Padre Blanco
· 60ml百加得白朗姆酒
· 45ml 番石榴和龙舌兰蜜浓缩液
· 30ml 青柠汁
· 15ml 蛋清
· 50ml 拉格啤酒
· 用番石榴球和盐装饰