- 花式调酒培训
- 英式调酒培训
- 咖啡拉花培训
- 西点师培训

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- 作者: dfmzhu
- 来源: 佛山展翅调酒咖啡西点培训学校
- 日期: 2016-07-24
- 浏览次数: 2118 次
印尼酒店管理集团PTT Family旗下Potato Head品牌最近入驻香港西营盘。由日本建筑师藤本壮介设计,这个新开张的商业综合体涵盖五个生活方式概念,其中包括咖啡馆I Love You So Coffee,一间巴厘岛风格的酒吧,以及充满亚洲部落美食风情的Kaum餐厅。香港店里所有的鸡尾酒单设计由Dre Masso和PTT的集团拓展与酒吧经理Kamil Foltan负责。Kaum餐厅的鸡尾酒单上除了Potato Head沙滩俱乐部最受欢迎的酒品以外,还有一系列部落风格鸡尾酒。酒吧里还推出了“陈年鸡尾酒” 系列:将高酒精度的经典鸡尾酒维斯帕和花花公子放在火山岩制成的器皿里进行陈年,酒液充分吸收矿物质和其他地质元素。“很多人都说他们曾经去过Potato Head沙滩俱乐部,所以我们想引入一些那里的风情、风尚和风味到香港。” Foltan说。
Indonesian hospitality group PTT Family opens the doors to its newest Potato Head in Hong Kong’s Sai Ying Pun. Designed by Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto, the ambitious complex is home to five lifestyle concepts including I Love You So Coffee, a Bali-inspired bar, and Kaum, a restaurant inspired by the tribal cuisine of Asia. Dre Masso and PTT’s group development bar manager Kamil Foltan are in charge of the drinks program here, and besides Beach Club favourites transported to the menu here, a list of tribal-inspired cocktails make up the new Kaum Collection of cocktails. The bar also introduces a Rested Cocktail selection here, ageing spirit-forward Vespers and Boulevardier in volcanic rock vessels to impart mineral and earthy qualities to the classics. “A lot of people have said that they’ve been to Potato Head Beach Club, so we wanted to bring a bit of the Indo Eksotika style, feel and flavours here,” says Foltan.

Kamil Foltan, one half of the PTT Family bar and beverage creative team with Dre Masso. Kamil Foltan,他与Dre Masso 共同组成PTT Family酒吧与酒水创意的灵魂团队。

A Beach Club favourite, the spicy and earthy Indo Bloody Mary. Potato Head沙滩俱乐部最受欢迎鸡尾酒之一:火辣又接地气的印尼血腥玛丽。
The majestic Kaum main dining room. Indonesian tribal art is hand painted on wall and ceiling panels. 气派的Kaum餐厅主厅。墙上和天花板上布满手绘的印尼部落艺术。

The Megah Mule from the Kaum Collection menu. A base of Ketel One vodka and Myers’s rum, paired with poached nashi pear, vanilla and palm sugar, then topped with ginger beer made in the bar. 来自Kaum餐厅的美嘉骡子。基酒包括坎特一号伏特加和美雅士朗姆酒,加入炖煮过的纳须梨、香草和印度赤砂糖,最后用酒吧自制的姜汁啤酒加满。